Your drug development solution provider

Legal notice

We welcome you to our website and we thank you for your interest in reading its legal conditions. We are aware that this topic may not be your favorite, but as the website responsible party, it is important that you know all the information related to the legal terms and conditions that define the relationships between the website users and our company. As a user it is important for you to know all this terms before you continue with your navigation and become participant in any of our sweepstakes.

We are DYNAKIN S.L. (hereinafter DYNAKIN), as the website party responsible, we are committed to processing users information with full guarantees and to comply with the national and European requirements that regulate the personal data collection and use.

Therefore, this website complies with the (EU) 2016/679 European Parliament Regulation and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (Spanish abbr.: LOPDGDD) and of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Spanish abbr.: LSSICE or LSSI). In compliance with the provisions of article 10. of Law 34/2002 of July 11, regarding information society and electronic commerce services, the following general information on DYNAKIN is provided:

NIF: B95315123
Address: Parque Tecnológico de Vizcaya, Suite 801-B, 48160 Derio, Vizcaya (Spain)
Phone Number: +34 948 806 031
E-mail address:
Registration data: Registered in the “Registro Mercantil de Vizcaya, Tomo 4426, Folio 124, Hoja BI-39805”


DYNAKIN is the exclusive website Exploitation Rights owner. DYNAKIN reserves all the intellectual and industrial property rights derived from this website and a written authorization consent from DYNAKIN is necessary for any exercise and use thereof. This rights reservation includes external appearance (“look and feel”) and the contents included and distributed through this website under any format, as well as the website code, design and navigation structure.

DYNAKIN may, at any time without prior notice, modify and/or update the information contained on its website, its configuration or presentation. While DYNAKIN takes all reasonable care in preparing, maintaining and updating the information on this website, DYNAKIN do not represent or warrant (either express or implied) the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any of the website content. You acknowledge and accept that the website content may include errors. The website content is subject to change at our sole discretion without notice to you and that the information may not be up to date or accurate at the time you access it.

DYNAKIN will in any case, be responsible for personal data breach made by its suppliers or intellectual property rights collaborators on the authors of the images and photographs provided by them, as it is assumed that rights have been duly granted by the owner to DYNAKIN supplier or collaborator.


The user, just by accessing the website, regardless the mean of access, agrees to accept these conditions, which will stipulate the website use regime. The owner reserves the right to change and modify them at any time, and the last updated publication will rule in each website visit. If the user does not accept all of these conditions, they do not have authorization to access the website and its hosted contents and services, and therefore the user must leave the site immediately. These conditions are also extensible and applicable to communications and newsletters that may be sent by the website owner thus the user must accept these conditions for its access and/or use.

DYNAKIN reserves the right to exclude, temporarily or permanently, users in any of the following circumstances:

  • For breach in any of the general use conditions.
  • For breach in any of the laws, moral, and Public Order.

3º) OBJECT. is DYNAKIN´s official website where the user will find the best information about our company.

In our website you will find the type of services we provide, our philosophy, news related to our business activity, and you can contact us for any consultation in the contact form provided in the website or you can e-mail to the following e-mail address:, we reserve the right to offer you other contacts and links related or not to with the above.


You can read the date we retain and how we treat it in our Data Protection Policy


A webpage presentation in a window of a website that does not belong to the owner of the website, using the technique called «framing» is prohibited unless you have the express consent of DYNAKIN.

The insertion of any type of content distributed through the web , in a different website other than by the means of called «in line linking» technique is prohibited unless a consent of DYNAKIN is granted.

The use of hypertext links (hyperlinks) in other websites is authorized, which are directed to the home page web, or when appropriate, to any other internal website pages (“deep link”) only if the corresponding pages appear in a complete window and showed under their respective web addresses, and those proceeding to launch the hyperlink assume full responsibility and risk.


Users undertake to make appropriate use of the content and services that DYNAKIN offers through its website and not to use them to (I) engage in illegal, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order activities; (II) distribute content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, of apology for terrorism or an attack against human rights; (III) cause damage to the computer systems of DYNAKIN or its suppliers; (IV) introduce or spread computer viruses or any other systems that are likely to cause damage on the DYNAKIN network, (V) carry out activities that have to do with unauthorized content decoding or de-compilation techniques.

In the event that the user or any other Internet user becomes aware that the website exhibits content or services that are illegal, harmful, degrading, violent or contrary to morality or that the linked sites refer to pages with such content the user must contact DYNAKIN at the email address indicated in this legal notice and, if necessary, sufficient identification information must be provided along with a description of the facts that the user considers illegal or inappropriate. In the event of rights violation such as those of intellectual and industrial property, the user must also provide with the infringed right owner personal data identification if different than the user communicating. Likewise, the user must provide the title that proves the legitimacy of the rights ownership and, when appropriate, the representation rights to act on behalf of the owner when it is a person other than the user communicating it, and a declaration stating that the information contained in the claim is accurate.

The receipt by DYNAKIN of the communication provided for in this clause shall not, in accordance with the provisions of the LSSI, imply effective knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the communicator.

DYNAKIN does not guarantee in any way the precision, content, integrity, legality, reliability, timeliness, veracity, accuracy, operation or availability of the content and services it offers, declining any responsibility for them, as well as the damages that may be contemplated. The information offered is for informational purposes only and is not representative. The aforementioned is applicable to the links, content and opinions that do not belong to the owner or are not hosted on this website, with the responsibility in any case corresponding to the owners of the content and the sites in question. Likewise, DYNAKIN is not responsible for the incorrect use that may be made by the content offered, and it declines all responsibility in this regard.

DYNAKIN It is not directly or indirectly responsible for any claims that may arise from the quality, reliability, accuracy or correctness of the content.


DYNAKIN reserves the right to modify its programs, as well as the provided data systematization access and technical characteristics transmission. When these changes do not allow a compatible use with the previous installed versions, DYNAKIN will communicate it through its website. Likewise, it reserves the right to partially or totally interrupt the service due to technical changes or breakdowns, previously communicating it through its website if possible, or through any other site enabled for that purpose.

DYNAKIN will ensure, as far as possible, the technical IT security support used by the user while browsing through the website pages. However, since Internet is not considered as a secured place, DYNAKIN cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements, introduced by third parties that could cause damage or alterations in the computer system, in electronic documents or in the User files due to visiting this website. Consequently, DYNAKIN will not be liable for the damages that such elements may cause to the user or to third parties.

The operating system that is currently installed is not the responsibility of DYNAKIN, nor the consequences that could derive from its malfunction. DYNAKIN reserves the right to make website modifications as it deems appropriate without prior notice, being able to change, delete or add both the content and services provided through it and the way in which they are presented or located on the website.


DYNAKIN is not responsible for the contents, information and images that do not depend on the website, nor are they managed by DYNAKIN, even if they appear on the website by virtue of any agreement signed by DYNAKIN.


DYNAKIN will pursue any breach of the above stipulated conditions, as well as any prohibited and improper use of its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it by law.


In the event that any clause or provision of the terms is declared as not valid or void, the declaration will only affect such part and the remaining provisions will of will remain valid.


We know that we will satisfactorily get along, but to specify all the possible situations that may arise, we want to inform you that if any controversy that arises in relation to this website and the content offered therein, the applicable law will be the Spanish law. The parties agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Bilbao, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, unless your national law legal jurisdiction excludes such possibility in an express submission, in which case the legal provision will rule and be followed.

Last update December 2, 2020

Contact us

We wish to know from you,
we wish to help you.

RESPONSIBLE: DYNAKIN S.L. PURPOSE: Respond to your information request. RIGHTS: You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:You can consult the additional and detailed information on Data Protection here.

I accept the terms of use.